News & Article
Museum Nasional Education & Promotion Effort in Digital Era
Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen (BG) is an independent institution established for the purpose of promoting research in the arts and sciences, especially in the fields of biology, physics, archeology, literature, ethnology and history.
Virtual Museum Development & Digitizing Object Collection at Sri Baduga Museum
Sri Baduga Museum is managed by the government of West Java Province by utilizing the old building of the former Kawedanan Tegallega. Furthermore, the museum was inaugurated on June 5, 1980 by the Minister of Education and Culture at the time, Daoed Joesoef. At first the museum was called the West Java Province State Museum. But
Preservation of Manuscripts at the Museum Prabu Geusan Ulun
Relics of historical objects and inheritance items of the Ancestors Sumedang, since the Kings of the Sumedang Larang Kingdom and the Regents who ruled Sumedang District before, were a proud collection of great significance for all of us, especially for the Sumedang family.
Digitisation Workshop
On the date of 10 May 2013 in collaboration with the Department of Tourism and Culture of West Java located in the hall of the Garut regent's office, held workshops and discussions on the theme of Digital Media Transfer in Preservation of the National Cultural Heritage, acting as speaker was Revi Kuswara as CEO of Heikelmedia & IndonesiaHeritage
Technical Tutoring Making E-Book
Heikelmedia provide technical guidance Making E-Book related to the collection of Indonesian National Bibliography and the National Union Catalog for the entire staff Sub.Dit. Bibliography National Library of Indonesia. Held on date. 17 to 19 April 2013 held at Jakarta Morissey.